Character Reaction Table

In solo RPG adventures, the unpredictability of how characters—both allies and adversaries—react to your actions can significantly shape the narrative. The Character Reaction Table is designed to introduce dynamic, unanticipated responses from NPCs (non-player characters) that add depth and challenge to your journey. Whether you’re negotiating with a merchant, confronting a rival, or seeking aid from a mysterious stranger, this table offers a range of possible outcomes that will keep your interactions fresh and engaging. Roll 1d20 whenever you need to determine how an NPC reacts to your presence, words, or actions.

d20Character Motivation
1.Hostile: The NPC becomes openly aggressive and may attack or threaten you.
2.Defensive: The NPC is wary, ready to defend themselves but not actively hostile.
3.Suspicious: The NPC is highly distrustful of your intentions and may refuse to cooperate.
4.Indifferent: The NPC shows little interest in you or your business.
5.Cautious: The NPC is hesitant and only willing to engage after some reassurance.
6.Inquisitive: The NPC is curious about you and asks probing questions.
7.Nervous: The NPC is anxious and uneasy, possibly hiding something.
8.Guarded: The NPC is protective of their interests and reluctant to share information.
9.Neutral: The NPC is non-committal, neither friendly nor unfriendly.
10.Distracted: The NPC seems preoccupied with something else, offering minimal interaction.
11.Helpful: The NPC is willing to assist you, though they may expect something in return.
12.Respectful: The NPC treats you with deference, possibly seeing you as an authority figure.
13.Friendly: The NPC is open and warm, offering help or companionship.
14.Trusting: The NPC places their trust in you, possibly revealing important information.
15.Grateful: The NPC is thankful for something you’ve done and seeks to repay you.
16.Enthusiastic: The NPC is eager to engage with you, excited about your presence.
17.Amused: The NPC finds you or the situation entertaining, and may engage playfully.
18.Supportive: The NPC actively supports your goals and offers their help freely.
19.Admiring: The NPC holds you in high regard, possibly viewing you as a role model.
20.Loyal: The NPC becomes deeply loyal to you, willing to follow or defend you without question.