Character Motivation Table

Understanding what drives a character can add depth and intrigue to any story. This d20 Character Motivation Table provides a range of compelling motivations that can be used to flesh out NPCs, inspire player characters, or create unexpected twists in your solo RPG adventures. Whether seeking revenge, guided by a sense of duty, or driven by an insatiable curiosity, these motivations will help bring your characters to life, adding richness to the narrative and influencing their actions and decisions in meaningful ways. Roll the die and discover what truly lies at the heart of your character.

d20Character Motivation
1.Revenge – Driven by a desire to avenge a past wrong, whether it’s against a specific person, a group, or even a faceless organization.
2.Greed – Motivated by the pursuit of wealth, power, or rare and valuable items, often at the expense of others.
3.Justice – A deep-seated belief in righting wrongs and bringing wrongdoers to account, sometimes to a fault.
4.Curiosity – An insatiable desire to uncover secrets, explore the unknown, or learn forbidden knowledge.
5.Love – Acts out of love or devotion to someone important, which might lead them into danger or compel them to do the impossible.
6.Survival – Focused on personal survival or the survival of loved ones, willing to do whatever it takes to stay alive.
7.Ambition – Driven to rise to power, gain status, or achieve greatness, often setting ambitious goals.
8.Redemption – Seeking to atone for past sins or mistakes, hoping to make amends or find inner peace.
9.Protection – Motivated by a desire to protect someone or something, such as a loved one, a community, or an ideal.
10.Duty – Feels bound by a sense of duty, responsibility, or honor to fulfill a role or complete a task, even at personal cost.
11.Freedom – Strives for personal freedom or the liberation of others, fighting against oppression or any form of restraint.
12.Faith – Guided by religious or spiritual beliefs, following what they perceive as a divine mission or the will of the gods.
13.Vengeance – Seeks to enact punishment or suffering on those who have wronged them or their loved ones, often with intense emotion.
14.Guilt – Haunted by a guilty conscience, compelled to act in ways that might lead to forgiveness or self-punishment.
15.Loyalty – Driven by loyalty to a person, group, or cause, remaining steadfast even when it’s not in their best interest.
16.Legacy – Desires to leave a lasting legacy, whether it’s through building something, having children, or becoming legendary.
17.Fear – Acts out of fear of something or someone, constantly trying to avoid a specific outcome or consequence.
18.Idealism – Motivated by high ideals or a vision of a better world, often leading them to take noble or quixotic actions.
19.Hate – Fueled by intense hatred for a particular person, group, or thing, often leading to destructive behavior.
20.Chaos – Driven by a love of chaos, unpredictability, or simply the desire to watch the world burn, with little regard for the consequences.